President's Message
Dear Members and Friends:
I hope everyone is off to an optimistic start to 2024! Looking back on 2023, I want to thank everyone who came out to our Christkindlmarkt and New Years Eve events. And many thanks to those who booked special family events at the club in the lead up to the holidays.
Coming up, we can look forward to the annual Hunter’s Dance. Thank you to our Vice President Mike Rogi for bringing this event back to the club.
Easter is coming up and I hope that we will see you at the club for lunch or dinner with your families. And in May, our annual Maifest comes up. Much to look forward to!
Around the club, I continue to look after our building. We made a wise investment to own our own space however we do have constant repairs and improvements to make. I am happy to keep caretaking for the building and thank the board members who have helped us out with this. Our office rentals upstairs are booked and continue to be a source of income for us.
And we have some new faces at the club, so please join me in welcoming the new staff and servers!
I would like to thank the many volunteers who have helped with club events and repairs. Thank you to Olga Eberhardt for organizing Christkindlmarkt and to Peter and Siri McCormick to organizing our casino volunteers for our January casino shifts.
Finally, and most importantly, our memberships renew for January 1. Memberships are annual and are $35, you can pay by calling the office, pay when you come in, or even pay on our website! And if you have changed your address or contact information, please let us know. Please update your membership as it keeps our club strong.
Best regards, Frank Meixner, President